Bed Time Stories

The Intelligent Painter

Once a very old rich woman lived in the town. She was of a rather eccentric nature.
Once, she asked a famous painter to paint her portrait. The painter completed the painting in a month. So she went to get the painting. Her dog accompanied her. The painter unveiled the old woman's portrait and waited for her comment. The old woman turned to her dog and asked, "Sheru, how is my portrait?"
But the dog did not look at the painting. The old woman angrily said, "Even my god does not recognize me. I'll not pay you for this painting."
The painter replied, "Come in the morning again and I'll rectify the mistake."
In the night, the painter rubbed a piece of meat at the lower edge of the painting. Next day the old woman came with her dog. The dog smelt the meat and he started licking the painting. The old woman thought that the dog liked her portrait and paid a lot of money to the painter.


Think before you speak


Once a fairy came to a poor woodcutter and his wife and said, "You have worked hard for so many years. Ask for any three wishes and they will be granted."
The couple started to think what they must ask for. The wife said, "Lets ask for a lot of money!"
"No, then the dacoits will kill us for the money." the woodcutter said. So the couple said to the fairy that they would think and tell.
That night they sat by the kitchen stove thinking what to ask for. The wife said, "I wish, we had chicken to eat." and there appeared a chicken on a plate. The woodcutter scolded, "You have wasted a wish. Now stick the chicken to your nose." and the chicken flew and stuck to the woman's nose. The couple got scared now. The wife said, "Let me be free of this chicken," and so the third wish was wasted too and the chicken got unstruck from her nose.
The foolish couple did not think before they spoke and lost a chance of becoming rich.



The Wrestling Tortoise 

 Once a tortoise went to learn wrestling from the rabbit, an expert wrestler. Soon the tortoise had learn the art and became an excellent wrestler. 

   One day, a goat started to tease him. The tortoise lost his temper. Soon they got into a physical bout. The expert tortoise wrestled with him. Soon he defeated and injured the goat. The other animals started fearing the tortoise.

  This made the tortoise feel proud of his strength. Soon he became very insulting towards others. He started to trouble innocent animals.

  One day, he started teasing the rabbit and challenged him to wrestle with him. After all, the rabbit was the tortoise's teacher. Soon the rabbit defeated the tortoise and threw him to the ground. The tortoise's shell and back were broken. Now the other animals started teasing the same tortoise.

  Thus the tortoise began to realize that pride has a fall.


The Foolish Friends

Once a mouse and a frog were close friends. They spent most of their time together. When the frog would go back to the pond, the mouse would miss him. In the same way, the frog grew sad everytime the mouse went off in search of food. So they took a rope and tied one end of it around the frog's leg and the other to the mouse's foot. Every time they missed each other, one would pull the rope to call the other.
One day, the frog went deep underwater in the pond in search of food. He forgot that his foot was tied with the mouse's. He went deeper and deeper in the water. Soon the poor mouse was pulled into the water and drowned.
An eagle flying over the pond spotted the dead mouse. The eagle came down, took the mouse in its beak and flew away. The frog who was tied at the other end of the rope was also found by the eagle. The eagle ate him too. Thus, the lives of both the friends came to an end because of their foolishness.


  Clever Jack


Jack was a small boy. He was very naughty, clever and witty. His witty replies amazed everyone.
One day Jack's mother sent him to the market to get some fruits and vegetables. Jack bought some vegetables and then went to a fruit vendor. He bought hald a kilogram of pear. But the vendor was dishonest. He was cheating and weighed three fifty grams of pears only. Jack observed this and said, "These are not half kilogram of pears. These appear less."
"No, they are allright and anyway they will be easy for you to carry home."
Jack was clever. He gave money for three fifty grams of pears to the vendor. The vendor said, "I game you half kilogram of pears. You are giving me less money."
Jack remarked, "No, the amount is correct. Besides they will be easy for you to count and carry in your pocket."
The fruit vendor was amazed at this small boy's words. 



The Proud Butterfly


Once a beautiful, shiny and colorful butterfly was flitting from one flower to another. She say a baby elephant coming down the path. She flew to him and sat on his ear. The elephant asked, "Who are you? Where are you going?"
The butterfly proudly replied, "I am the most beautiful of all the butterflies. You are ugly and fat. Your body is heavy while I am delicate and light. People are jealous of my colorful wings. I can fly anywhere with these wings."
The elephant calmly said,"I am glad to meet you."
The butterfly went on, "There is no comparison between us. You have four legs but I have six. You have a trunk and I have something like that too but I use it to suck nectar from the flowers. You cannot do that."
Just then a strong wind blew and the butterfly could not keep her balance. She cried for help as she was flown away in the wind. But the elephant stood firmly on the ground and thought, "I can see how pride has a fall."